Articles in: Her Campus Hawaii

Balancing School and Work IS a Full-Time Job

In general, being a college student is hard. But being a college student with a job? That’s even harder. How about, being a college student with a job, a family to take care of, and bills to pay? Talk about overload. The truth is, many college students don’t just work to work. We work because we need the money to support ourselves, and we go to school for the same reason as everyone else: for a better chance in the job industry, to follow our dreams, to get a higher pay. Whatever the reason, balancing everything at once is harder than most people think.

There's More to Astrology Than Just Your Sun Sign

Sure you know your sun sign, but did you know that there are other signs that have an impact on your personality? You have a whole birth chart that determines certain aspects of your personality (that’s if you believe in it)! There are two other main signs that can affect your personality: your moon sign and your rising sign. You can find your whole birth chart including your sun, moon, and rising sign by inputting your birth date, time, and place here.

The Best Doughnut Shop in Town: Purvé Donut Stop

We’ve all been dying for a legit doughnut shop here in Hawaii, and I’m not talking about a Dunkin’ Donuts or a Krispy Kreme. I’m talking about a doughnut shop whose walls are painted with quirky and colorful art and whose workers provide great customer service. Its employees were considerate enough to ask me how my day was going and even ran to my car to give me my receipt! They also let us sample their coffee and let us try a fresh doughnut for free. Of course, I can't forget to mention the dou

Toxic Relationships: How to Recognize them

There is some truth when people say, “the signs you ignore in the beginning will be what leads to the end of your relationship," or “follow your gut feeling” and your “intuition." Healthy relationships play a crucial role in sustaining mental and emotional health. The people that we surround ourselves with deeply impacts our identities and our well-being. So how do you know that you’re in a healthy relationship? How do you recognize the signs of an unhealthy or toxic relationship? It’s simple—yo

Get Your Halloween-Themed Drinks at the Pop-Up Ghost Bar Before It Closes!

As Halloween approaches, everyone is thinking about what costume they’re going to wear, the haunted houses they want to go to, the parties to attend, etc. But how about going to a Ghost Bar this Halloween? Have you ever seen those Instagram posts of creepy alcoholic beverages with red syringes inside of them? Or drinks in cups that are lit with bright green L.E.D. lights, resembling a witches brew? Well, I am excited to say that there is finally a bar here in Honolulu that offers cool drinks lik

Island of Simplicity: Travel to Lanai, Hawaii

When people think of traveling to Hawaii, the islands that we usually choose from are O'ahu, Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island. All of the Hawaiian islands are exceptionally beautiful in their own unique ways, but if you are looking for simplicity—Lana'i is the way to go. Built by the labor of Dole's pineapple industry, you can still see and feel the plantation life in the small town of Lana'i City. Here, there is only one of everything. One gas station, one supermarket, and one theater. The population of the whole island is about 3,200 people and everyone knows everyone.

Seven Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Japan

Lately, one of the most popular travel destinations for people in Hawaii has been—Japan! It is one of the closest countries to our islands, and the plane tickets are usually on the cheaper side. I’ve come across many people who either just came back from Japan or are going soon. Luckily, I was able to make the trip myself. So here are some things that you should know if you are planning a trip to this fun and bustling country:

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